Send a email 040 - 2212701 Mo untill Fr: 8:00h till 17:00h
Consultation only by appointment The practice can be reached on working days from 8.15 am to 5 pm. The exceptions are from 10:00 to 10:30 due to coffee break, 12:30 to 13:30 due to lunch break and ...
Soon more information!
E-mailconsult You can log in here for an email consultation. True a secure connection you can e-mail your doctor or assistant and ask a short question. You can ask the doctor medi...
For the following medical procedures at the consultation hour of the assistant you can contact Harriëtte, Yvonne or Daniëlle. You can make an appointment on the following days:...
DO YOU HAVE A COMPLAINT? We try to serve you as good as possible. We like it when the patient feels well helped and leaves the door with satisfaction. Nevertheless, it is possible that you do not...
On April 1th 2017, the general practice started as the Lankhorst general practice. The GP practice has traditionally been a small-scale village practice. A piece of history In 1990, general pract...
Privacyreglement van onze praktijk Uw persoonsgegevens en uw privacy in onze huisartsenpraktijk AlgemeenDe AVG is de nieuwe wet ter bescherming van privacy en persoonsgegevens. Op grond van deze wet...