
M.J.C. Lankhorst
Huisarts, praktijkhouderGP, practice oner
In 2017 I started with Huisartsenpraktijk Lankhorst. I have been living in Waalre for a couple of years now, together with my husband and 2 daughters. My husband works at ASML. We also lived in Aalst for this purpose and before that in Groningen. Here I did my study Medicine. After this I worked in the nursing home in Veendam, where I gained a lot of experience with palliative care and took care of patients with dementia. I grew up in Hoogezand, where my parents are still are working as a physiotherapist. In recent years I have worked as an acting GP in the Kempen, mainly in the Bergeijk region. Here I have gained further experience with acute GP care, care for the elderly and children and in the field of female complaints. I have further trained myself in performing small surgical procedures and placing IUD. One of my areas of concern is the care for women with gynaecological complaints. As a regular general practitioner, I think it is important to provide accessible and continuous care together with my team. I want to be a familiar face to you. I am open to your view of the complaints and also take this into account in the treatment.
Present on: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, tempary not on Thursday

D. Wintermans
Since January 2019 I have been working 2 days a week as an acting doctor in "Lankhorst general practice". For this I also worked them in practice more often.
First something about myself, I am married to Appie and together we have 2 children, Cas and Julia. We have been living in Waalre for several years. I did my medical training in Maastricht and graduated in 2004. After this I worked as an assistant cardiology at the Amphia hospital in Breda for about 1 year before I started the medical training for general practitioner in Maastricht. I graduated in 2009 and have been working as a general practitioner for over 10 years now. I do this with great pleasure. In recent years I have worked as an acting doctor for various practices, mainly in the Kempen. I also worked as a cosmetic doctor in a clinic.
I am really looking forward to being a doctor in my "own village" and being able to offer continuity in healthcare.
Present on: Wednesday and Thursday

H. Hamid
Huisarts, waarnemend

Doktersassistente & praktijkmanagerDoctors assistant & practice manager
I am Harriëtte van de Ven, living in Aalst-Waalre, married and have 2 children.
I have been working in this practice with great pleasure since January 2016. What I like about this work is the diversity in work. These are the contacts with the patients, administration, medical procedures in support of the GP, stock management, and much more.
Present on: Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

DoktersassistentePresent on: Monday, Tuesday and friday, temporary on maternity leave

DoktersassistentePresent on: Monday, Wednesday en Thursday
Praktijkondersteuner GGZpresent on thursday

PraktijkondersteunerI am Inge van de Ven and from June 1, 2018 I will work in practice as a practice assistant to follow up on Maartje.
First something about myself; I live in Valkenswaard, I am married to Johan and I have 2 children. In 1998 I graduated as a nurse at the HBO-V in Eindhoven. Then I worked in the Diaconessen hospital as a nurse with specialisation Oncology. I have worked there for 10 years with great pleasure, but the irregular services were difficult to combine with my family.
Since 2008 I work as a doctor's assistant in a general practice in Valkenswaard. Now that the children are a bit bigger, I am ready for a new challenge. I am really looking forward to contributing to this team. See you in practice!
Present on: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
e-mailadres: i.vandeven@pozob.nl